39 Weeks: Welcome to the World! | Tuesdays with Jacob

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39 Weeks: Welcome to the World!

June 16, 2014

39 was the magic number for baby Jacob!!

Jacob Donald 
June 10, 2014
1:43 PM
8lbs, 8oz; 21"

On Monday, June 9th (38 weeks, 6 days) we met with my Dr. for our checkup. It was decided due to baby's large size, as well as our desire to avoid a c-section that it would be best to induce the next day at 39 weeks to save a week of increased growth. Hopefully by saving a week of growth I wouldn't need a c-section. 

Monday night at 10:30pm we checked into the hospital. We were in room (lucky) #7.  I had a checkup, and was 3 cm dilated. They started my IV and the plan was to start pitocin at 6:30 the next morning. Baby Jacob had other plans! 

Around 1am on Tuesday, June 10th, my water broke and I started having contractions. Luckily the nurses put something in my IV to help me sleep through them. Sometime during the night it wore off and they had to refill it. Around 5am I was feeling like it needed to be refilled again, but they said it couldn't be since they had to flush my system with two bags of water before the anesthesiologist arrived to do the epidural at 7am. At this point, I was 5cm dilated. It was decided that since I was already dilating and having contractions on my own, there would be no inducing with pitocin. So we just let my body do it's thing!

By the time the anesthesiologist arrived at 7am I felt like I was dying!!!! I was 8 cm and they could not get that thing in there fast enough! It went in sideways due to my scoliosis, but I felt soooo much better once it started to kick in. I got a little rest, as the nurses kept checking in on us. 

Around 11am my dr. checked in to see how I was doing. I was 10cm already and he said it was time to start pushing!! Our sweet nurse and my brave husband helped with my legs and I started pushing. Unfortunately, due to the epidural I couldn't feel the need to push, so even though I was trying my hardest, I wasn't doing a very good job. 

The nurse consulted with the anesthesiologist, and it was decided to turn the epidural off for 15 minutes and let it wear off a little bit. When they turned it back on they turned it on at half strength. Now I could feel the urge to push, but it also meant I felt more of the pain. I pushed for around two hours and then the Dr. came back in just as the nurse was getting ready to call him. He was so surprised we were ready to deliver already! He said I was a champ pusher. We pushed for a few minutes more, and then the Dr. gave me some local anesthetic and made a small cut to help him out. Then, just when I thought I couldn't possibly push anymore, there he was! It was such a relief to be done pushing! 

Daddy cried when he saw him come out, but all I could see were his little legs. Once the Dr. got him checked over and the cord cut they placed him on my chest and I could finally see my little boy. He was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I got to hold him and feed him while they delivered the placenta and stitched me up. 

I still can hardly believe that he's here. And that he's ours

"You are the best thing, that's ever been mine."

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